今回挑戦したのは癖のなさそうな、Apache CommonsのLangです。ここからjarをダウンロードしました。
Lang – Download Apache Commons Lang
前提知識としてBindings Libraryというものがあるということだけ知ってたので、そのプロジェクトを作ります。
This directory is for Android .jars. There are 2 types of jars that are supported: == Input Jar == This is the jar that bindings should be generated for. For example, if you were binding the Google Maps library, this would be Google's "maps.jar". Set the build action for these jars in the properties page to "InputJar". == Reference Jars == These are jars that are referenced by the input jar. C# bindings will not be created for these jars. These jars will be used to resolve types used by the input jar. NOTE: Do not add "android.jar" as a reference jar. It will be added automatically based on the Target Framework selected. Set the build action for these jars in the properties page to "ReferenceJar".
IntPtr classHandle = IntPtr.Zero; JNIEnv.FindClass("org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils", ref classHandle); var method = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID(classHandle, "isEmpty", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Z"); string emptyString = ""; var handle = CharSequence.ToLocalJniHandle(emptyString); try { var result = JNIEnv.CallStaticBooleanMethod(classHandle, method, new JValue(handle)); button.Text = result.ToString(); } finally { JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef(handle); }